zambelli Firpo meregalli
Our Clients
Clients are large and medium companies, to which full coverage of assistance is granted, providing integrated and interdisciplinary solutions for their specific needs.
La maggior parte dei Clienti sono società internazionali Most Clients are international and multinational companies, that want to invest in Italy by setting-up controlled companies, by acquiring already existing ones and by establishing joint-ventures with Italian partners. Particular attention is addressed to the study of the most appropriate fiscal structure, both in Italy and abroad, for every single dealing.
Our purpose is to build deep and broad relationships with our Clients, understanding their objectives and rendering our advice in commercial and economical terms our main goal being to provide them with timely, customised and specific legal services through updated communication systems.
Studio Legale Amministrativo Zambelli Firpo Meregalli & Associati
Associazione Professionale - Via Carducci, 15 / Via Terraggio, 18 - 20123 Milano